Source code for knittingpattern.ParsingSpecification

"""This modules specifies how to convert JSON to knitting patterns.

When parsing :class:`knitting patterns
<knittingpattern.KnittingPatternSet.KnittingPatternSet>` a lot of classes can
be used.

The :class:`ParsingSpecification` is the one place where to go to change a
class that is used throughout the whole structure loaded by e.g. a
:func:`new_knitting_pattern_set_loader` is a convinient interface for
loading knitting patterns.

These functions should do the same:

.. code:: python

    # (1) load from module
    import knittingpattern
    kp = knittingpattern.load_from_file("my_pattern")

    # (2) load from knitting pattern
    from knittingpattern.ParsingSpecification import *
    kp = new_knitting_pattern_set_loader().file("my_pattern")

from .Loader import JSONLoader
from .Parser import Parser, ParsingError
from .KnittingPatternSet import KnittingPatternSet
from .IdCollection import IdCollection
from .KnittingPattern import KnittingPattern
from .Row import Row
from .InstructionLibrary import DefaultInstructions
from .Instruction import InstructionInRow

[docs]class ParsingSpecification(object): """This is the specification for knitting pattern parsers. The :class:`<knittingpattern.Parser.Parser>` uses this specification to parse the knitting patterns. You can change every class in the data structure to add own functionality. """
[docs] def __init__(self, new_loader=JSONLoader, new_parser=Parser, new_parsing_error=ParsingError, new_pattern_set=KnittingPatternSet, new_pattern_collection=IdCollection, new_row_collection=IdCollection, new_pattern=KnittingPattern, new_row=Row, new_default_instructions=DefaultInstructions, new_instruction_in_row=InstructionInRow): """Create a new parsing specification.""" self.new_loader = new_loader self.new_parser = new_parser self.new_parsing_error = new_parsing_error self.new_pattern_set = new_pattern_set self.new_pattern_collection = new_pattern_collection self.new_row_collection = new_row_collection self.new_pattern = new_pattern self.new_row = new_row self.new_default_instructions = new_default_instructions self.new_instruction_in_row = new_instruction_in_row
[docs]class DefaultSpecification(ParsingSpecification): """This is the default specification. It is created like pasing no arguments to :class:`ParsingSpecification`. The idea is to make the default specification easy to spot and create. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the default specification with no arguments.""" super().__init__()
[docs] def __repr__(cls): """The string representation of the object. :return: the string representation :rtype: str """ return "<{}.{}>".format(cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__)
[docs]def new_knitting_pattern_set_loader(specification=DefaultSpecification()): """Create a loader for a knitting pattern set. :param specification: a :class:`specification <knittingpattern.ParsingSpecification.ParsingSpecification>` for the knitting pattern set, default :class:`DefaultSpecification` """ parser = specification.new_parser(specification) loader = specification.new_loader(parser.knitting_pattern_set) return loader
__all__ = ["ParsingSpecification", "new_knitting_pattern_set_loader", "DefaultSpecification"]