Source code for knittingpattern.Row

"""This module contains the rows of instructions of knitting patterns.

The :class:`rows <Row>` are part of :class:`knitting patterns
They contain :class:`instructions
<knittingpattern.Instruction.InstructionInRow>` and can be connected to other
from .Prototype import Prototype
from itertools import chain
from ObservableList import ObservableList
from .utils import unique

COLOR = "color"  #: the color of the row

#: an error message
CONISTENCY_MESSAGE = "The data structure must be consistent."

[docs]class Row(Prototype): """This class contains the functionality for rows. This class is used by :class:`knitting patterns <knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern>`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, row_id, values, parser): """Create a new row. :param row_id: an identifier for the row :param values: the values from the specification :param list inheriting_from: a list of specifications to inherit values from, see :class:`knittingpattern.Prototype.Prototype` .. note:: Seldomly, you need to create this row on your own. You can load it with the :mod:`knittingpattern` or the :class:`knittingpattern.Parser.Parser`. """ super().__init__(values) self._id = row_id self._instructions = ObservableList() self._instructions.register_observer(self._instructions_changed) self._parser = parser
def _instructions_changed(self, change): """Call when there is a change in the instructions.""" if change.adds(): for index, instruction in change.items(): if isinstance(instruction, dict): in_row = self._parser.instruction_in_row(self, instruction) self.instructions[index] = in_row else: instruction.transfer_to_row(self) @property def id(self): """The id of the row. :return: the id of the row """ return self._id @property def instructions(self): """The instructions in this row. :return: a collection of :class:`instructions inside the row <knittingpattern.Instruction.InstructionInRow>` :rtype: ObservableList.ObservableList """ return self._instructions @property def number_of_produced_meshes(self): """The number of meshes that this row produces. :return: the number of meshes that this row produces :rtype: int .. seealso:: :meth:`Instruction.number_of_produced_meshes() <knittingpattern.Instruction.Instruction.number_of_produced_meshes>`, :meth:`number_of_consumed_meshes` """ return sum(instruction.number_of_produced_meshes for instruction in self.instructions) @property def number_of_consumed_meshes(self): """The number of meshes that this row consumes. :return: the number of meshes that this row consumes :rtype: int .. seealso:: :meth:`Instruction.number_of_consumed_meshes() <knittingpattern.Instruction.Instruction.number_of_consumed_meshes>`, :meth:`number_of_produced_meshes` """ return sum(instruction.number_of_consumed_meshes for instruction in self.instructions) @property def produced_meshes(self): """The meshes that this row produces with its instructions. :return: a collection of :class:`meshes <knittingpattern.Mesh.Mesh>` that this instruction produces """ return list(chain(*(instruction.produced_meshes for instruction in self.instructions))) @property def consumed_meshes(self): """Same as :attr:`produced_meshes` but for consumed meshes.""" return list(chain(*(instruction.consumed_meshes for instruction in self.instructions)))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """The string representation of this row. :return: a string representation of this row :rtype: str """ return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__qualname__,
@property def color(self): """The color of the row. :return: the color of the row as specified or :obj:`None` """ return self.get(COLOR) @property def instruction_colors(self): """The colors of the instructions in the row in the order tehy appear. :return: a list of colors of the knitting pattern in the order that they appear in :rtype: list """ return unique(instruction.colors for instruction in self.instructions) @property def last_produced_mesh(self): """The last produced mesh. :return: the last produced mesh :rtype: knittingpattern.Mesh.Mesh :raises IndexError: if no mesh is produced .. seealso:: :attr:`number_of_produced_meshes` """ for instruction in reversed(self.instructions): if instruction.produces_meshes(): return instruction.last_produced_mesh raise IndexError("{} produces no meshes".format(self)) @property def last_consumed_mesh(self): """The last consumed mesh. :return: the last consumed mesh :rtype: knittingpattern.Mesh.Mesh :raises IndexError: if no mesh is consumed .. seealso:: :attr:`number_of_consumed_meshes` """ for instruction in reversed(self.instructions): if instruction.consumes_meshes(): return instruction.last_consumed_mesh raise IndexError("{} consumes no meshes".format(self)) @property def first_produced_mesh(self): """The first produced mesh. :return: the first produced mesh :rtype: knittingpattern.Mesh.Mesh :raises IndexError: if no mesh is produced .. seealso:: :attr:`number_of_produced_meshes` """ for instruction in self.instructions: if instruction.produces_meshes(): return instruction.first_produced_mesh raise IndexError("{} produces no meshes".format(self)) @property def first_consumed_mesh(self): """The first consumed mesh. :return: the first consumed mesh :rtype: knittingpattern.Mesh.Mesh :raises IndexError: if no mesh is consumed .. seealso:: :attr:`number_of_consumed_meshes` """ for instruction in self.instructions: if instruction.consumes_meshes(): return instruction.first_consumed_mesh raise IndexError("{} consumes no meshes".format(self)) @property def rows_before(self): """The rows that produce meshes for this row. :rtype: list :return: a list of rows that produce meshes for this row. Each row occurs only once. They are sorted by the first occurence in the instructions. """ rows_before = [] for mesh in self.consumed_meshes: if mesh.is_produced(): row = mesh.producing_row if rows_before not in rows_before: rows_before.append(row) return rows_before @property def rows_after(self): """The rows that consume meshes from this row. :rtype: list :return: a list of rows that consume meshes from this row. Each row occurs only once. They are sorted by the first occurence in the instructions. """ rows_after = [] for mesh in self.produced_meshes: if mesh.is_consumed(): row = mesh.consuming_row if rows_after not in rows_after: rows_after.append(row) return rows_after @property def first_instruction(self): """The first instruction of the rows instructions. :rtype: knittingpattern.Instruction.InstructionInRow :return: the first instruction in this row's :attr:`instructions` """ return self.instructions[0] @property def last_instruction(self): """The last instruction of the rows instructions. :rtype: knittingpattern.Instruction.InstructionInRow :return: the last instruction in this row's :attr:`instructions` """ return self.instructions[-1]
__all__ = ["Row", "COLOR"]