Source code for knittingpattern.Dumper.file

"""Save strings to files."""
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from .FileWrapper import BytesWrapper, TextWrapper

[docs]class ContentDumper(object): """This class is a unified interface for saving objects. The idea is to decouple the place to save to from the process used to dump the content. We are saving several objects such as patterns and SVGs. They should all have the same convinient interface. The process of saving something usally requires writing to some file. However, users may want to have the result as a string, an open file, a file on the hard drive on a fixed or temporary location, posted to some url or in a zip file. This class should provide for all those needs while providing a uniform interface for the dumping. """
[docs] def __init__(self, on_dump, text_is_expected=True, encoding="UTF-8"): """Create a new dumper object with a function :paramref:`on_dump` :param on_dump: a function that takes a file-like object as argument and writes content to it. :param bool text_is_expected: whether to use text mode (:obj:`True`, default) or binary mode (:obj:`False`) for :paramref:`on_dump`. The dumper calls :paramref:`on_dump` with a file-like object every time one of its save methods, e.g. :meth:`string` or :meth:`file` is called. The file-like object in the :paramref:`file` argument supports the method ``write()`` to which the content should be written. :paramref:`text_is_expected` should be - :obj:`True` to pass a file to :paramref:`on_dump` that you can write strings to - :obj:`False` to pass a file to :paramref:`on_dump` that you can write bytes to """ self.__dump_to_file = on_dump self.__text_is_expected = text_is_expected self.__encoding = encoding
@property def encoding(self): """:return: the encoding for byte to string conversion :rtype: str""" return self.__encoding
[docs] def string(self): """:return: the dump as a string""" if self.__text_is_expected: return self._string() else: return self._bytes().decode(self.__encoding)
def _string(self): """:return: the string from a :class:`io.StringIO`""" file = StringIO() self.__dump_to_file(file) return
[docs] def bytes(self): """:return: the dump as bytes.""" if self.__text_is_expected: return self.string().encode(self.__encoding) else: return self._bytes()
def _bytes(self): """:return: bytes from a :class:`io.BytesIO`""" file = BytesIO() self.__dump_to_file(file) return
[docs] def file(self, file=None): """Saves the dump in a file-like object in text mode. :param file: :obj:`None` or a file-like object. :return: a file-like object If :paramref:`file` is :obj:`None`, a new :class:`io.StringIO` is returned. If :paramref:`file` is not :obj:`None` it should be a file-like object. The content is written to the file. After writing, the file's read/write position points behind the dumped content. """ if file is None: file = StringIO() self._file(file) return file
def _file(self, file): """Dump the content to a `file`. """ if not self.__text_is_expected: file = BytesWrapper(file, self.__encoding) self.__dump_to_file(file)
[docs] def binary_file(self, file=None): """Same as :meth:`file` but for binary content.""" if file is None: file = BytesIO() self._binary_file(file) return file
def _binary_file(self, file): """Dump the ocntent into the `file` in binary mode. """ if self.__text_is_expected: file = TextWrapper(file, self.__encoding) self.__dump_to_file(file) def _mode_and_encoding_for_open(self): """:return: the file mode and encoding for :obj:`open`.""" if self.__text_is_expected: return "w", self.__encoding return "wb", None
[docs] def path(self, path): """Saves the dump in a file named :paramref:`path`. :param str path: a valid path to a file location. The file can exist. """ self._path(path)
def _path(self, path): """Saves the dump in a file named `path`.""" mode, encoding = self._mode_and_encoding_for_open() with open(path, mode, encoding=encoding) as file: self.__dump_to_file(file) def _temporary_file(self, delete): """:return: a temporary file where the content is dumped to.""" file = NamedTemporaryFile("w+", delete=delete, encoding=self.__encoding) self._file(file) return file
[docs] def temporary_path(self, extension=""): """Saves the dump in a temporary file and returns its path. .. warning:: The user of this method is responsible for deleting this file to save space on the hard drive. If you only need a file object for a short period of time you can use the method :meth:`temporary_file`. :param str extension: the ending ot the file name e.g. ``".png"`` :return: a path to the temporary file :rtype: str """ path = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=extension).name self.path(path) return path
[docs] def temporary_file(self, delete_when_closed=True): """Saves the dump in a temporary file and returns the open file object. :param bool delete_when_closed: whether to delete the temporary file when it is closed. :return: a file-like object If :paramref:`delete_when_closed` is :obj:`True` (default) the file on the hard drive will be deleted if it is closed or not referenced any more. If :paramref:`delete_when_closed` is :obj:`False` the returned temporary file is not deleted when closed or unreferenced. The user of this method has then the responsibility to free the space on the host system. The returned file-like object has an attribute ``name`` that holds the location of the file. """ return self._temporary_file(delete_when_closed)
[docs] def binary_temporary_file(self, delete_when_closed=True): """Same as :meth:`temporary_file` but for binary mode.""" return self._binary_temporary_file(delete_when_closed)
temporary_binary_file = binary_temporary_file def _binary_temporary_file(self, delete): """:return: a binary temporary file where the content is dumped to.""" file = NamedTemporaryFile("wb+", delete=delete) self._binary_file(file) return file
[docs] def __repr__(self): """the string representation for people to read :return: the string represenation of this object :rtype: str """ return "<{} in with encoding {} >".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.__encoding )
__all__ = ["ContentDumper"]