Source code for knittingpattern.Loader

"""One can load objects from different locations.
This module provides functionality to load objects from different locations
while preserving a simple interface to the cosumer.

import json
import os
import sys

[docs]def identity(object_): """:return: the argument :param object_: the object to be returned""" return object_
[docs]def true(_): """:return: :obj:`True` :param _: can be ignored""" return True
[docs]class PathLoader(object): """Load paths and folders from the local file system. The :paramref:`process <PathLoader.__init__.process>` is called with a :class:`path <str>` as first argument: ``process(path)``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, process=identity, chooses_path=true): """Create a PathLoader object. :param process: ``process(path)`` is called with the `path` to load. The result of :paramref:`process` is returned to the caller. The default value is :func:`identity`, so the paths are returned when loaded. :param chooses_path: ``chooses_path(path)`` is called before :paramref:`process` and returns :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` depending on whether a specific path should be loaded and passed to :paramref:`process`. """ self._process = process self._chooses_path = chooses_path
[docs] def folder(self, folder): """Load all files from a folder recursively. Depending on :meth:`chooses_path` some paths may not be loaded. Every loaded path is processed and returned part of the returned list. :param str folder: the folder to load the files from :rtype: list :return: a list of the results of the processing steps of the loaded files """ result = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(folder): for file in files: path = os.path.join(root, file) if self._chooses_path(path): result.append(self.path(path)) return result
[docs] def chooses_path(self, path): """:return: whether the path should be loaded :rtype: bool :param str path: the path to the file to be tested """ return self._chooses_path(path)
[docs] def path(self, path): """load a :paramref:`path` and return the processed result :param str path: the path to the file to be processed :return: the result of processing step """ return self._process(path)
def _relative_to_absolute(self, module_location, folder): """:return: the absolute path for the `folder` relative to the module_location. :rtype: str """ if os.path.isfile(module_location): path = os.path.dirname(module_location) elif os.path.isdir(module_location): path = module_location else: module_folder = os.path.dirname(module_location) if module_folder: path = module_folder else: __import__(module_location) module = sys.modules[module_location] path = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) absolute_path = os.path.join(path, folder) return absolute_path
[docs] def relative_folder(self, module, folder): """Load a folder located relative to a module and return the processed result. :param str module: can be - a path to a folder - a path to a file - a module name :param str folder: the path of a folder relative to :paramref:`module` :return: a list of the results of the processing :rtype: list Depending on :meth:`chooses_path` some paths may not be loaded. Every loaded path is processed and returned part of the returned list. You can use :meth:`choose_paths` to find out which paths are chosen to load. """ folder = self._relative_to_absolute(module, folder) return self.folder(folder)
[docs] def relative_file(self, module, file): """Load a file relative to a module. :param str module: can be - a path to a folder - a path to a file - a module name :param str folder: the path of a folder relative to :paramref:`module` :return: the result of the processing """ path = self._relative_to_absolute(module, file) return self.path(path)
[docs] def choose_paths(self, paths): """:return: the paths that are chosen by :meth:`chooses_path` :rtype: list """ return [path for path in paths if self._chooses_path(path)]
[docs] def example(self, relative_path): """Load an example from the knitting pattern examples. :param str relative_path: the path to load :return: the result of the processing You can use :meth:`knittingpattern.Loader.PathLoader.examples` to find out the paths of all examples. """ example_path = os.path.join("examples", relative_path) return self.relative_file(__file__, example_path)
[docs] def examples(self): """Load all examples form the examples folder of this packge. :return: a list of processed examples :rtype: list Depending on :meth:`chooses_path` some paths may not be loaded. Every loaded path is processed and returned part of the returned list. """ return self.relative_folder(__file__, "examples")
[docs]class ContentLoader(PathLoader): """Load contents of files and ressources. The :paramref:`process <PathLoader.__init__.process>` is called with a :class:`string <str>` as first argument: ``process(string)``. """
[docs] def string(self, string): """:return: the processed result of a string :param str string: the string to load the ocntent from """ return self._process(string)
[docs] def file(self, file): """:return: the processed result of the content of a file-like object. :param file: the file-like object to load the content from. It should support the ``read`` method. """ string = return self.string(string)
[docs] def path(self, path): """:return: the processed result of a :paramref:`path's <path>` content. :param str path: the path where to load the content from. It should exist on the local file system. """ with open(path) as file: return self.file(file)
[docs] def url(self, url, encoding="UTF-8"): """load and process the content behind a url :return: the processed result of the :paramref:`url's <url>` content :param str url: the url to retrieve the content from :param str encoding: the encoding of the retrieved content. The default encoding is UTF-8. """ import urllib.request with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as file: webpage_content = webpage_content = webpage_content.decode(encoding) return self.string(webpage_content)
[docs]class JSONLoader(ContentLoader): """Load an process JSON from various locations. The :paramref:`process <PathLoader.__init__.process>` is called with an :class:`object` as first argument: ``process(object)``. """
[docs] def object(self, object_): """Processes an already loaded object. :return: the result of the processing step :param object: the object to be loaded """ return self._process(object_)
[docs] def string(self, string): """Load an object from a string and return the processed JSON content :return: the result of the processing step :param str string: the string to load the JSON from """ object_ = json.loads(string) return self.object(object_)
__all__ = ["JSONLoader", "ContentLoader", "PathLoader", "true", "identity"]