Source code for knittingpattern.KnittingPatternSet

"""A set of knitting patterns that can be dumped and loaded."""

from .convert.AYABPNGDumper import AYABPNGDumper
from .Dumper import XMLDumper
from .convert.InstructionSVGCache import default_instruction_svg_cache
from .convert.Layout import GridLayout
from .convert.SVGBuilder import SVGBuilder
from .convert.KnittingPatternToSVG import KnittingPatternToSVG

[docs]class KnittingPatternSet(object): """This is the class for a set of knitting patterns. The :class:`knitting patterns <knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern>` all have an id and can be accessed from here. It is possible to load this set of knitting patterns from various locations, see the :mod:`knittingpattern` module. You rarely need to create such a pattern yourself. It is easier to create the pattern by loading it from a file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, type_, version, patterns, parser, comment=None): """Create a new knitting pattern set. This is the class for a set of :class:`knitting patterns <knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern>`. :param str type: the type of the knitting pattern set, see the :ref:`specification <FileFormatSpecification>`. :param str version: the version of the knitting pattern set. This is not the version of the library but the version of the :ref:`specification <FileFormatSpecification>`. :param patterns: a collection of patterns. This should be a :class:`~knittingpattern.IdCollection.IdCollection` of :class:`KnittingPatterns <knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern>`. :param comment: a comment about the knitting pattern """ self._version = version self._type = type_ self._patterns = patterns self._comment = comment self._parser = parser
@property def version(self): """The version of the knitting pattern specification. :return: the version of the knitting pattern, see :meth:`__init__` :rtype: str .. seealso:: :ref:`FileFormatSpecification` """ return self._version @property def type(self): """The type of the knitting pattern. :return: the type of the knitting pattern, see :meth:`__init__` :rtype: str .. seealso:: :ref:`FileFormatSpecification` """ return self._type @property def patterns(self): """The pattern contained in this set. :return: the patterns of the knitting pattern, see :meth:`__init__` :rtype: knittingpattern.IdCollection.IdCollection The patterns can be accessed by their id. """ return self._patterns @property def comment(self): """The comment about the knitting pattern. :return: the comment for the knitting pattern set or None, see :meth:`__init__`. """ return self._comment
[docs] def to_ayabpng(self): """Convert the knitting pattern to a png. :return: a dumper to save this pattern set as png for the AYAB software :rtype: knittingpattern.convert.AYABPNGDumper.AYABPNGDumper Example: .. code:: python >>> knitting_pattern_set.to_ayabpng().temporary_path() "/the/path/to/the/file.png" """ return AYABPNGDumper(lambda: self)
[docs] def to_svg(self, zoom): """Create an SVG from the knitting pattern set. :param float zoom: the height and width of a knit instruction :return: a dumper to save the svg to :rtype: knittingpattern.Dumper.XMLDumper Example: .. code:: python >>> knitting_pattern_set.to_svg(25).temporary_path(".svg") "/the/path/to/the/file.svg" """ def on_dump(): """Dump the knitting pattern to the file. :return: the SVG XML structure as dictionary. """ knitting_pattern = layout = GridLayout(knitting_pattern) instruction_to_svg = default_instruction_svg_cache() builder = SVGBuilder() kp_to_svg = KnittingPatternToSVG(knitting_pattern, layout, instruction_to_svg, builder, zoom) return kp_to_svg.build_SVG_dict() return XMLDumper(on_dump)
[docs] def add_new_pattern(self, id_, name=None): """Add a new, empty knitting pattern to the set. :param id_: the id of the pattern :param name: the name of the pattern to add or if :obj:`None`, the :paramref:`id_` is used :return: a new, empty knitting pattern :rtype: knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern """ if name is None: name = id_ pattern = self._parser.new_pattern(id_, name) self._patterns.append(pattern) return pattern
@property def first(self): """The first element in this set. :rtype: knittingpattern.KnittingPattern.KnittingPattern """ return self._patterns.first
__all__ = ["KnittingPatternSet"]