Source code for knittingpattern.convert.AYABPNGBuilder

"""Convert knitting patterns to png files.

These png files are used to be fed into the ayab-desktop software.
They only contain which meshes will be knit with a contrast color.
They just contain colors.
import webcolors
import PIL.Image
from .color import convert_color_to_rrggbb

[docs]class AYABPNGBuilder(object): """Convert knitting patterns to png files that only contain the color information and ``(x, y)`` coordinates. .. _png-color: Througout this class the term `color` refers to either - a valid html5 color name such as ``"black"``, ``"white"`` - colors of the form ``"#RGB"``, ``"#RRGGBB"`` and ``"#RRRGGGBBB"`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, default_color="white"): """Initialize the builder with the bounding box and a default color. .. _png-builder-bounds: ``min_x <= x < max_x`` and ``min_y <= y < max_y`` are the bounds of the instructions. Instructions outside the bounds are not rendered. Any Pixel that is not set has the :paramref:`default_color`. :param int min_x: the lower bound of the x coordinates :param int max_x: the upper bound of the x coordinates :param int min_y: the lower bound of the y coordinates :param int max_y: the upper bound of the y coordinates :param default_color: a valid :ref:`color <png-color>` """ self._min_x = min_x self._min_y = min_y self._max_x = max_x self._max_y = max_y self._default_color = default_color self._image = "RGB", (max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y), self._convert_to_image_color(default_color))
[docs] def write_to_file(self, file): """write the png to the file :param file: a file-like object """, format="PNG")
@staticmethod def _convert_color_to_rrggbb(color): """takes a :ref:`color <png-color>` and converts it into a 24 bit color "#RRGGBB" """ return convert_color_to_rrggbb(color) def _convert_rrggbb_to_image_color(self, rrggbb): """:return: the color that is used by the image""" return webcolors.hex_to_rgb(rrggbb) def _convert_to_image_color(self, color): """:return: a color that can be used by the image""" rgb = self._convert_color_to_rrggbb(color) return self._convert_rrggbb_to_image_color(rgb) def _set_pixel_and_convert_color(self, x, y, color): """set the pixel but convert the color before.""" if color is None: return color = self._convert_color_to_rrggbb(color) self._set_pixel(x, y, color) def _set_pixel(self, x, y, color): """set the color of the pixel. :param color: must be a valid color in the form of "#RRGGBB". If you need to convert color, use `_set_pixel_and_convert_color()`. """ if not self.is_in_bounds(x, y): return rgb = self._convert_rrggbb_to_image_color(color) x -= self._min_x y -= self._min_y self._image.putpixel((x, y), rgb)
[docs] def set_pixel(self, x, y, color): """set the pixel at ``(x, y)`` position to :paramref:`color` If ``(x, y)`` is out of the :ref:`bounds <png-builder-bounds>` this does not change the image. .. seealso:: :meth:`set_color_in_grid` """ self._set_pixel_and_convert_color(x, y, color)
[docs] def is_in_bounds(self, x, y): """ :return: whether ``(x, y)`` is inside the :ref:`bounds <png-builder-bounds>` :rtype: bool """ lower = self._min_x <= x and self._min_y <= y upper = self._max_x > x and self._max_y > y return lower and upper
[docs] def set_color_in_grid(self, color_in_grid): """Set the pixel at the position of the :paramref:`color_in_grid` to its color. :param color_in_grid: must have the following attributes: - ``color`` is the :ref:`color <png-color>` to set the pixel to - ``x`` is the x position of the pixel - ``y`` is the y position of the pixel .. seealso:: :meth:`set_pixel`, :meth:`set_colors_in_grid` """ self._set_pixel_and_convert_color( color_in_grid.x, color_in_grid.y, color_in_grid.color)
[docs] def set_colors_in_grid(self, some_colors_in_grid): """Same as :meth:`set_color_in_grid` but with a collection of colors in grid. :param iterable some_colors_in_grid: a collection of colors in grid for :meth:`set_color_in_grid` """ for color_in_grid in some_colors_in_grid: self._set_pixel_and_convert_color( color_in_grid.x, color_in_grid.y, color_in_grid.color)
@property def default_color(self): """:return: the :ref:`color <png-color>` of the pixels that are not set You can set this color by passing it to the :meth:`constructor <__init__>`. """ return self._default_color
__all__ = ["AYABPNGBuilder"]