Source code for knittingpattern.convert.image_to_knittingpattern

"""This file lets you convert image files to knitting patterns.

import PIL.Image
from ..Loader import PathLoader
from ..Dumper import JSONDumper
from .load_and_dump import decorate_load_and_dump
import os

@decorate_load_and_dump(PathLoader, JSONDumper)
[docs]def convert_image_to_knitting_pattern(path, colors=("white", "black")): """Load a image file such as a png bitmap of jpeg file and convert it to a :ref:`knitting pattern file <FileFormatSpecification>`. :param list colors: a list of strings that should be used as :ref:`colors <png-color>`. :param str path: ignore this. It is fulfilled by the loeder. Example: .. code:: python convert_image_to_knitting_pattern().path("image.png").path("image.json") """ image = pattern_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] rows = [] connections = [] pattern_set = { "version": "0.1", "type": "knitting pattern", "comment": { "source": path }, "patterns": [ { "name": pattern_id, "id": pattern_id, "rows": rows, "connections": connections } ]} bbox = image.getbbox() if not bbox: return pattern_set white = image.getpixel((0, 0)) min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = bbox last_row_y = None for y in reversed(range(min_y, max_y)): instructions = [] row = {"id": y, "instructions": instructions} rows.append(row) for x in range(min_x, max_x): if image.getpixel((x, y)) == white: color = colors[0] else: color = colors[1] instruction = {"color": color} instructions.append(instruction) if last_row_y is not None: connections.append({"from": {"id": last_row_y}, "to": {"id": y}}) last_row_y = y return pattern_set
__all__ = ["convert_image_to_knitting_pattern"]